Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Lost Kitty

This long-haired cat showed up in the laundry room at Deb's apartment one day. Some people were feeding it, and a little girl named the cat Rachel.

The story goes that Rachel belonged to a family that moved and left her behind.

As always, Deb fell in love with the cat instantly, but knew she couldn't keep her with Boo Kitty around. This was before we lived together, so she coaxed me into taking her on a trial basis.
I wasn't a cat person. At least I didn't think I was. So I said I'd try it for a few days, and if it didn't work, off to the pound she'd go.

Deb, of course, was counting on the fact that I wouldn't have the heart to take the cat to the pound.

So Rachel and I became roommates. She was a pretty intuitive cat. She got lost when I didn't want to be bothered, but she wasn't shy about seeking attention. I made a bed for her out of a box and a blanket, but she found a spot on the foot of the bed to claim, and that became her spot. She, unlike most cats, slept at night, and when I woke up, she'd still be at the foot of the bed.

I bought her a couple of toys, but when I tried to play with her, she looked at me like, "You've got to be kidding."

Yeah, that was the moment I became a cat person.

The first week was fine. At the beginning of the second week, though, I noticed she wasn't eating. Then she stopped drinking. And there wasn't anything to scoop out of the litterbox.

I called Deb, and she said I was probably worrying over nothing, but if it went on for another day we'd take her to a vet.

It did, and off to the only vet we could find on a Sunday, the one at PetSmart.

A blood test confirmed the worst. Rachel's kidneys weren't functioning. We could try an expensive treatment, but there were no guarantees.

As Rachel's owner, the decision was mine, but Deb had to help me make it. So we put her down.

It was the first time Deb and I cried together. It wasn't the last.

After that, Deb would thank me for making Rachel's last days comfortable. I think it was an important step in her beginning to trust me.

I suppose looking back, there are parallels to our lives together and that cat. How I wasn't certain how it was going to go when I entered into it, but I came to cherish it quickly, only to find it was over much too soon.

But I don't want to reduce Rachel to a metaphor. She was the cat that brought Deb and I closer together, and even though we were only together for a short time, she played an important part in our lives.

Goodnight, Rachel.

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