Saturday, January 07, 2012

That's my girl

Considering how many times she told this story to me, I can't believe I've never blogged about this one before, but here goes.

Deb was in the market for a new car, and after a lot of research she decided she wanted a Toyota Camry. So she goes to a dealership and tries to get one, knowing the list price. She told the salesman she knew what she wanted to pay and wasn't going to pay any more. The salesguy told her she'd never get one for that price. She leaves.

She goes to another dealership and gets the car at her price.

Her first trip was back to the first dealership. She finds the salesguy and says, "Do you remember me? You told me I'd never get a car at my price. Well, that's my car over there, and you lost a commission."

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