I have a shrine to Deb in a corner of the dining room. Seemed like a good place for one.
On the wall on top, of course, is THE photo. You can read about it here.
Beneath that is a photo of Deb with an elephant. She wrote a story about a circus when she was reporting in Miami, and she always talked about getting to ride the elephant. Going through her things, I found the negative of this shot of her reaching for the elephant's trunk. It was such a cool shot, I couldn't help getting a copy.
The Winnie the Pooh dolls were bought one by one. I bought most of them at Wal-Mart on the way home from work, then I'd surprise her with them. The Kanga doll I had to get on eBay, the Owl doll she bought herself at Disney World.
The Muppet Statler and Waldorf dolls were presents to me from her. She knew how much I like the Muppets, and I think she was eventually going to get me a whole set.
Under the Eeyore doll is a smaller Eeyore that's actually part of a hair scrunchy Deb liked to wear.
The toy Mini Coopers I got her for Christmas. She kept saying she wanted a Mini Cooper for Christmas, so I got her two. She got a third one from her mother, but it got lost.
The glasses cases have her glasses in them. Her wallet is in the coin bowl, along with her asthma huffer, the watch I gave her and, strangely enough, a bunch of coins.
The mug is from the last trip we took to Disney World. The thing next to it is a candle from Grand Turk that I bought on the cruise we were going to take together.
In the background you'll notice the sofa is in the process of being demolished by the cats. The process was started long ago by Boo Kitty. I figure it's a lost cause, so I let the cats go to town on it.
I suppose if I started dating I'd have to take it down or find a less-conspicuous place for it. For now, I usually sit on the floor across from it, look up at THE picture and tell her how my day went. And she listens. And all is right with the world.
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